What type of auto insurance do I need in Massachusetts?

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The Dorchester, MA area can be a great place to live. However, it is also a place where owning a car is a necessity. When you buy a car here, you must also ensure that you get the right insurance for it. When looking for coverage in this area, you must ensure you get the right coverage to meet your needs. 

Comply with State Minimum Requirements

Similar to other states, drivers in Massachusetts need to have liability coverage in their auto plan. At a minimum, you will need to have bodily injury coverage of $20,000 per person and $40,000 per incident. You will also need $5,000 of coverage for damage that could be caused to another vehicle or other property. Drivers also need $8,000 in personal injury protection and uninsured motorist coverage.

Meet Loan Obligations

If you have taken out a loan, you also need to meet standards set by your lender. In many cases, this will include comprehensive and collision coverage support. Lenders will require this insurance as it helps to protect their loan collateral. This will be helpful if you are ever a victim of theft or your vehicle is involved in an accident or otherwise damaged. 

When you are looking for auto insurance in the Dorchester, MA area, it will be essential that you select the right plan to meet your needs. As there are always a lot of choices and complexities to consider, you can call our team with Vargas & Vargas Insurance to learn more. Our professionals with Vargas & Vargas Insurance know how important this coverage is, and they can offer any help you need to build a new plan. 

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