Australia now has a new fire danger rating system

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As from 1st September 2022 a new and nationally consistent bushfire danger rating system starts across Australia, providing clearer and more accurate information to communities at risk of bushfire.

The Australian Fire Danger Rating System brings together the latest science and knowledge of fire behaviour, and is supported by extensive community research. It is the most significant change to the fire danger rating system in more than 50 years.

Under the previous system, fire danger ratings were based on only bush and grass. The new system uses eight different types of vegetation, which have been mapped across the entire country.

Fire danger ratings are used to communicate the consequences of a fire, if one was to start. On days when there is minimal risk, ‘No rating’ will be used.

It is important to understand that fire danger ratings do not indicate the chance of a bushfire starting. Rather, they describe the level of danger a community could face should a bushfire start. 

Let us hope that the new system saves lives from what is becoming an ever increasing risk to both life and property.

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