Harry Levine Insurance On the Collabcast Podcast

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Florida’s insurance landscape is not the easiest to navigate, but our agency has managed to thrive in this challenging environment.

HLI’s Vice President, Julie Levine, recently sat down with Dave Jackson of the Independent Agency Owner’s Alliance for their podcast Collabcast to share her journey and provide some insights into the world of insurance.

Julie not only highlights the challenges and triumphs of the Florida insurance market, but also explores how collaboration and education can foster strong relationships that benefit everyone.

Investing In the Team

Building a successful insurance agency starts with the right team.

In the podcast, Julie talks about the agency’s drive to “develop and invest in our team members” through extensive training, continuing education, and an arsenal of tools that make great customer service possible.

One way we accomplish this is by collaborating in a physical office. Julie explains that remote work is available for the “three H’s”—hardship, holiday, and hurricanes—but that “having people in the office and learning from each other” is key to a strong team.

Setting this foundation has a “trickle-down effect” that allows HLI to properly educate customers about their insurance needs and create a relationship of trust.


Investing In Colleagues

No man—and no independent insurance agency—is an island, which is why collaborating and networking is key to building a strong business.

Julie Levine talks about the importance of networking with other agencies and professional associations to stay on top of industry changes. In that same vein, she also discussed how advocating for the industry with elected officials improves the insurance market for agencies and customers alike.

Additionally, Julie talks about crafting strong relationships with carefully selected insurance carriers to keep HLI on “the trajectory of success that we’ve had.”


Investing In the Community

At HLI, providing our customers with valuable information and excellent customer service is what has cemented our reputation as one of Orlando’s top insurance agencies.

In the podcast, Julie explains why, in a city as diverse as Orlando, we place a high importance on understanding cultural differences with our customers. Being able to communicate with them in their own language (sometimes literally!) is just as important as being able to explain policy limits and deductibles.


Investing In Success

Through investing in our team, our colleagues, and our community, HLI has managed to thrive in Florida’s ever-evolving insurance market.

Julie was excited to share our dedication, vision, and commitment to Florida residents and we would love to hear what you think! Listen to the podcast and leave a comment sharing something you learned!

The post Harry Levine Insurance On the Collabcast Podcast appeared first on Harry Levine Insurance.

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